Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Not Just Exercise: Oshawa Weight Loss Plan’s Other Critical Factors


Acupuncture in Oshawa can also help people lose weight. This concept is based on a Korean study published in Acupuncture in Medicine. In it, needles were placed in the subjects’ ears in spots which are believed to link with the stomach, spleen, endocrine, as well as appetite and hunger. After eight weeks, their weight was shown to have dropped by 6.1 percent.

Monday, 16 June 2014

Oshawa Physiotherapy for Treating Plantar Fasciitis, a Running Injury

Orthotics Devices

These are foot pads or heel inserts sold in pharmacies and sporting goods stores that act like shock absorbers to reduce pressure on the plantar fascia. Meanwhile, custom orthotics solutions from practitioners of physiotherapy in Oshawa can bring optimum results. Those from the Chiropractic Wellness and Rehabilitation, in particular, offer revolutionary tools like the 3D volumetric casting system to provide patients with professionally fitted and comfortable custom orthotics.

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Relaxing Oshawa Massage Sure to Take Stress off People’s Shoulders

The Waterloo region and Oshawa are separated by more than 150 kilometers of land. However, that does not change the fact that there are women in Oshawa who lead lives as stressful as their Waterloo counterparts, and could use the expertise of Oshawa massage therapists.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Effective Oshawa Massage Helps Heal Muscles, Refresh the Mind and Body

Oshawans who need to take a break from such problems should seriously consider getting a massage, as they carry several benefits for people who take them. One of the biggest benefits of proper massage therapy in Oshawa is relief from pain. Besides muscle pains earlier depicted in the article, effective massages can also relieve chronic lower back pain.